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Nicholas House

Nicholas House is a British born writer and content creator from the South of England. He took up writing at a very young age, inspired by the stories of Jules Verne and H.G. Wells.

Fascinated by the natural world he went on to study Geosciences at university. This afforded him the chance to travel and fuel his overactive imagination, allowing him to take inspiration from a vast array of varied sources.

He went on to merge his passion for writing and love for video production by creating scripted videos on YouTube which continues to let him experiment with a variety of writing styles.

Primarily writing Supernatural Fantasy and Science Fiction, Nicholas has also written numerous pieces of published poetry alongside short stories, e-books and scientific articles. With a mind so full of ideas and an ongoing literary passion he plans to continue writing about whatever inspires him long into the future.

Supernatural Thriller

A Median isn't something anyone chooses to be, it's just something you are. A living bridge between the worlds of the living and the dead.

Now, long forgotten forces threaten the fine balance kept by the Medians and Richard Weignright is forced to face perils that would change his life forever.

Setting into motion events that leave the world in the hands of the wrathful dead, Richard must work to set things right and find the truth of what it means to be a Median.


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