Chuck McKenzie
Chuck McKenzie was born in 1970 and is not yet dead. His science fiction and horror short stories have been nominated for multiple genre awards, though his silly cat-related stuff oddly hasn't, despite being critically acclaimed by 8 out of 10 cats. His fiance is a professional editor, which is very handy, but Chuck says he is perfecktlee capabull of writung an eggcellent bio withuot her assisstince.
Science Fiction, Horror, Humour
Conversations With My Cat, The Dark Man, By Referral and Less Pleasant Tales, Daily Grind and Other Astounding Stories of Mundane Matters, All I Want For Christmas, Time Spent With A Cat, Alien Space Nazis Must Die!
Conversations With My Cat... What does Schrödinger’s Cat have to do with a chewed computer cord? How do you fit work around a cat’s napping schedule? Why do cats change their minds as soon as you open the door for them? These and other conundrums are addressed in this collection of discussions between one man and his cat, wherein are tackled many of the greatest issues of our time: politics, human rights, religion, culture, history, and poop. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, it’ll change your life. Or not. Frankly, we’ll say anything to get you to buy this book. 'Conversations With My Cat is laugh out loud funny, and deserves all the accolades. Get your hands or paws on this book.' Rebecca Fraser, author of Skippy Blackfeet