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Louise Shaw

Louise A Shaw, a West Sussex native, began her children's book series, Tawny Owl Wood, in 2007, shortly after her daughter Emilia was born. As a mother of four, she penned the first two chapter books, Finding the Old Oak Tree and A Rainy Day, for her children. Over time, Louise wove her children's personal and academic challenges into the series. In 2021, the decision was made to share these stories beyond their home. Over the next two years, Louise penned 15 new books and partnered with illustrator Sarah-Leigh Wills from Happydesigner. Together, they have since produced nine books, with many more on the horizon. Their love for inclusion, diversity, nature and strong morals comes through in each book.


"Tawny Owl Wood™, aims to inspire & lead by example, crafting thought-provoking children’s books that captivate the imagination. We blend fantasy and reality to create a world of diversity and inclusivity, striving to break down social barriers & teach the importance of nature recovery. We are dedicated to producing beautiful, eco-friendly, sustainable books.



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